Design Thinking: The Future of Quality Improvement?

The 39th Healthcare Innovation Symposium will be held on Monday, February 6, 2023, on Design Thinking: The Future of Quality Improvement. The keynote speaker will be Mark Tykocinski, MD, President of Thomas Jefferson University. Guest panelists include Byron Crowe, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Solera Health, Wayne Li, Design Bloc Director, Georgia Tech, and Monique Smith, MD, Founding Executive Director, Health DesignED.

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is a methodology for solving complex problems by deeply understanding human emotions, behaviors and unmet needs in a complex system and generating solutions that improve the human condition by meeting those needs. Design thinking has been broadly adopted across major industries to create world class products and services, but the use of design methods to improve healthcare systems remains in early stages. Symposium speakers will explore how design thinking methodologies are different and complimentary to existing systems improvement efforts while highlighting how healthcare organizations can implement these methods locally.